SKU : Dynoflex Click Me 5 mm.
Dynoflex Click Me ความหนา 5 มม.
หมวดหมู่ : กระเบื้องยางลายไม้ ,  Dynoflex ClickMe 5 mm. , 
Product : Dynoflex Click Me
Thickness : 5.0 mm.
Dimension : 184 mm x 1,220 mm.
Wear Layer : 0.5 mm.
Area/Box : 2.69 sqm.
Physical & Mechanical Properties | Standard Specification | Test Method |
Variation of Thickness | - 0.10 , + 0.13 mm. | EN 649 |
Deviation of Size | ≤ 0.13 % | EN 649 |
Straigthness | ≤ 0.35 mm. | EN 649 |
Mass per unit area | - 0.10 , + 0.13 % | EN 649 |
Density | ±50 kg/m3 | EN 649 |
Residual indentation | ≤ 0.1 mm. | EN 433 |
Dimensional stability after exposure to heat | ≤ 0.25% | EN 649 |
Curing after exposure to heat | ≤ 2 mm. | EN 649 |
Gloss level | nominal ±4 | |
Chemical resistance | No strain | EN 423 |
Color fastness to light | ≥6 | EN ISO 105-B02 |
Flexibility | No crack (ø20 mm.) | EN 649 |
Abrasion class | Group T | EN 660-2 |
Sound absorption | 5 dB | EN 140-8 |
Surface coating | Aluminium Oxide UV coating | |
Fire classification | Bfl - S1 | EN 13501-1 |
Critical radiant flux | Class 1 | ASTM E648 |
Surface burning characteristic | Class A | ASTM E84 |
Smoke density | <480 | EN 622 |
SVHC | Pass | Reach Regulation |
TVOC | < 10 µg/m3 | ISO 16000-9 |
Formaldehyde emission | < 6 µg/m3(E1) | ISO 16000-9 |
Heavy metal | < 1,000 ppm | EN 71 |
Locking strength | 120 N/5 cm. | |
Slip resistance | R 10 | DIN 51130 |
Castor chair resistance | No Damage | EN 425 |